Outstanding people of Russia – Boris Alexandrov
“Outstanding people of Russia – Boris Alexandrov”
This is a video clip from the documentary film “Outstanding People of Russia – Boris Alexandrov”, 1994.
Ex-soloists of the Red Army Choir visited their chief, teacher and conductor Boris Alexandrov at his apartment and performed their best songs for him. The soloists are: Leonid Kharitonov, Artur Eizen, Ivan Bukreev and Alexey Sergeev. They sang the following songs:
- Alexey Sergeev – “From under the oak, from under the elm” (Из-под дуба, из-под вяза)
- Ivan Bukreev – “Darkie Moldovan Girl” (Смуглянка Молдаванка)
- Leonid Kharitonov – “Yo, Heave Ho!” (Эй, ухнем!)
- Artur Eizen – “Evening raid” (Вечер на рейде)
Leonid Kharitonov was one of the organizers of this project. The whole film can be found here (in Russian).