Guest Book

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193 Responses to “Guest Book”

  1. Elias says:

    Hi there,
    I recently saw Leonid Kharitonov’s performance in “Ej Uhnem!” and was astounded.
    I am forever humbled by Kharitonov for opening my eyes to Russia’s rich and profound artistic and cultural treasures. I hope that someday your nation will get the recognition and the humility it deserves from the West.
    My Regards,

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  2. Jacqui Shaw says:

    For a few weeks I have been obsessed with ‘The Dark Eyed Cossak Girl’ (well not the girl…the song!)
    I thought it was the first time I heard it. Then I saw the interview with your father where he talked about the Albert Hall concert.
    The revelation just now was that I realized that I was actually there!!
    My father took us to see that concert when I was 15 years old.

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  3. Fernando says:

    I’m writing this to Leonid’s son since I believe it’s him who manages this website. I discovered your father’s performances about a year ago and I immediately felt in love with his voice and talent. It really broke my heart when I knew he passed away. I’m planning a trip to Moscow when all this pandemic state ends and I would love to visit your father’s tomb and show my respects. Could you please let me know in which cemetery he’s buried? Thank you for keeping your father’s memory alive and….слава Харитонов!! greetings from Spain.

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    • Hello, Fernando! My father is buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, but it will be quite difficult to find his grave there. You can write me again before coming to Moscow and I will give the instructions how to find it. And thank you for love and care!

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