“Yo, heave ho!”

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Leonid Kharitonov – “Yo, heave ho!” (Russian: “Ej, Uhnem!”)

Russian Folk Song also known as “The Volga Boatmen Song”.
New Year’s Eve Flash (Annual New Year’s TV Show), 1965.

Notice that the German film director (who formerly worked for Hitler) has placed the choir in the shape of the letter “V”, representing the bow of a ship, with Kharitonov in front of it as if he were a burlak.
Read more about this song.

The Volga Boatmen Song on Wikipedia.

Attention: This video has English subtitles!


Эй, ухнем, эй, ухнем!
Еще разик, еще раз!
Эй, ухнем, эй, ухнем!
Еще разик, еще раз!
Разовьем мы березу,
Разовьем мы кудряву,
Ай да, да, ай да!
Ай да, да, ай да!
Разовьем мы кудряву.

Эй, ухнем, эй, ухнем!
Еще разик, еще раз!
Эй, ухнем, эй, ухнем!
Еще разик, еще раз!
Мы по бережку идем,
Песню солнышку поем,
Ай да, да, ай да!
Ай да, да, ай да!
Песню солнышку, поем!

Эй, ухнем, эй, ухнем!
Еще разик, еще раз!
Эй, ухнем, ей, ухнем!
Еще разик, еще раз!
Эх ты, Волга, мать-река,
Широка и глубока,
Ай да, да, ай да!
Ай да, да, ай да!
Широка и глубока!

Yo, heave ho! Yo, heave ho!
One more time, once again
Yo, heave ho! Yo, heave ho!
One more time, once again
Now we fell the stout birch tree,
Now we pull hard: one, two, three.
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Now we fell the stout birch tree

Yo, heave ho! Yo, heave ho!
One more time, once again
Yo, heave ho! Yo, heave ho!
One more time, once again
On the bank we walk along,
To the sun we sing our song.
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
To the sun we sing our song.

Yo, heave ho! Yo, heave ho!
One more time, once again
Yo, heave ho! Yo, heave ho!
One more time, once again
Ah, you–Volga–Mother River
Wide and deep
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Wide and deep.

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One Response to ““Yo, heave ho!””

  1. Samuel says:

    I happen to have stumbled upon this song by accident. This song is beautiful.
    This helped me broaden my musical tastes.

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