Along the Peterskaya Street

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Leonid Kharitonov – “Along the Peterskaya (Street)”

Russian Folk Song.
March Blue Light TV Show, 1983.


Эх, вдоль по Питерской,
по Тверской-Ямской,
Да, ох, ой, по Тверской-Ямской
да с колокольчиком
Эх, едет миленький сам на троечке,
Ох, едет лапушка во поддевочке.

Ох, в пиру я была, во беседушке
Что ты я не мёд пила, сладку водочку,
Эх, сладку водочку да наливочу,
Ох! я пила, молода, из полуведра!

Что где как что
не лёд трещит, не комар пищит,
Это кум до кумы судака тащит.
Ох ох ох ох!
Ой, кумушка, ты, голубушка,
Свари куму судака, чтобы юшка была.
Ох ох ох ох!
Ой, юшечка да с петрушечкой,
Поцелуй ты меня, кума-душечка

Ну поцелуй,
ну поцелуй же ты кума-душечка. Ой!

Oh, along the Peterskaya,
along the Tverskaya-Yamskaya
Yes, oh along the Tverskaya-Yamskaya,
yes with handbells
Oh, my good young lad is riding his troika,
Oh, my darling is going in his new clothes.

Oh, I was at the feast chattering with my girlfriends.
Oh, I wasn’t drinking “honey” (old Russian alcohol drink)
there but nice vodka
Oh, nice vodka and some fruit liqueur
Me, the young one, was drinking
from a half-bucket!

What’s going on
It’s not ice cracking
and it’s not a mosquito buzzing
It’s our friend bringing a perch (pikeperch)
to his good woman.
Oh, oh, oh!
Oh, my good woman, oh you my dear,
Boil that perch for our friend
and make him some thick fish soup!
Oh, oh, oh!
Oh, some good thick fish soup with some parsley!
And so kiss me, my darling soul!

So kiss me, so kiss me,
you my darling soul! Oh!

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2 Responses to “Along the Peterskaya Street”

  1. Michelle says:

    Mr.Kharitonov makes all my five senses explode with his performance and his voice!! A true great artist like few nowadays, thank you for your art Mr. Kharitonov!

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  2. Reynardine says:

    I first heard this song rendered by Boris Christov very long ago, when I myself was only thirteen. Only Mr. Kharitonov could give me a fix of equal strength. Thank you!

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