Family Archive

In this photo album are family photographs from the singer’s personal archive.

* Copyright (L.M. or M.L. Kharitonov). People wanting to use the images, please, contact the administrators of this web site.

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5 Responses to “Family Archive”

  1. Safak says:

    Very very sad that we lost you. The most empowering voice you were. Goodbye!

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  2. adrian david says:

    maestro-you were bigger than shaliapin !!!

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  3. Barbara Pavey says:

    It is wonderful to have sight of these personal photographs. I particularly like no. 2 -- showing three very serious young persons and one who looks like he is having a hilarious time! The expression on Mr Kharitonov’s face in no. 15 is so blissful that it is just beautiful to see. They are all wonderful pictures -- thank you for sharing these family treasures with us.

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  4. michael says:

    be well and keep people happy with your divinely talented voice for many years. i wonder if you have a connection with a famous chassidic musical family that created many melodies sung to this day in the chassidic court of lubavich[near smolensk] now in usa since 1940 with members everywhere.

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  5. MQ says:

    To the Honourable …
    Leonid Kharitonov
    I would like to ask you one question only.
    Where is the heritage of the former Soviet Union????

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